The New York Glaucoma Research Institute (NYGRI) was created to promote research into the basic causes of Glaucoma, develop new treatment modalities for Glaucoma, and develop public education into the treatment of Glaucoma.
Established in 1995, NYGRI is at the forefront of innovation in diagnostic and therapeutic advances in the understanding and treatment of glaucoma. The physicians at the institute conduct research into the causes, treatment and prevention of glaucoma. Significant strides have been made in the development of new treatment modalities for glaucoma, understanding the anatomic abnormalities in glaucoma through new ocular imaging devices, tissue culture and cell biology studies, and nationwide clinical trials sponsored by the National Eye Institute.
Today, the New York Glaucoma Research Institute is internationally known as the forefront of research into the underlying causes of glaucoma, led by Dr. Robert Ritch.