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Medications With Possible Side Effects: K-S
Brand name Generic name Indication Reported Ocular Side Effects
Klonopin clonazepam epilepsy Side effects from benzodiazepine derivatives are rare, but the drugs can cause decreased corneal reflex, decreased depth perception and abnormal extraocular muscle movement. Can cause a temporary allergic conjunctivitis and may cause pupillary dilatation leading to the isolated narrow-angle attack.
Lupron leuprolide acetate prostate cancer and endome-triosis Some patients experience blurry vision following injection; may last from one hour to as long as three weeks. May cause pseudotumor cerebri.
Nolvadex tamoxifen breast cancer Six percent of all patients develop keratopathy or retinopathy. Keratopathy appears as whorl-like subepithelial deposits; it usually is reversible. Retinopathy may include edema, hemorrhage, optic disc swelling and vision loss. After one or more years of dosage with 100 mg/day or more, patients may develop tamoxifen retinopathy, manifesting as striking white-to-yellow refractile bodies around and temporal to the macula. Patients should have baseline eye exams before beginning this drug.
Ortho-Novum norethindrone/mestranol contraception Women taking these drugs have a higher incidence of migraine, thrombophlebitis and psuedotumor cerebri than normal. May decrease tolerance to contact lenses. May be other side effects, but they await further documentation.
Procardia nifedipine hyperten-sion, angina Transient blindness at peak levels, blurred vision, ocular irritation with periorbital edema. Causes side effects more often than other calcium-channel blockers. Rarely, patients taking ocular beta-blockers in addition to this drug experience arrhythmia.
Procrit epoetin alfa red blood cell enhance-ment Patients who are receiving hemodialysis and this drug may experience visual hallucinations within two to 13 weeks after starting the medication.
Proventil albuterol asthma Seldom clinically significant, though patients have reported vivid hallucinations following administration.
Prozac fluoxetine depression Rare and reversible. Some evidence suggests the drug can cause mydriasis leading to narrow angle glaucoma. Blurred vision may occur but is usually not significant
Pulmicort Turbuhaler budesonide asthma High dosage over an extended period significantly increases the risk of ocular hypertension.Can lead to subcapsular cataract.
Retrovir zidovudine HIV Probably causes CME, definitely can cause hypertrichosis and skin rashes. Hyperpigmentation of eyelids and conjunctiva reported in heavily pigmented patients. Diplopia may occur secondary to a generalized myopathy.
Rocephin ceftriaxone infection Rarely may result in mild reversible ocular surface inflammation.
Sandimmune cyclosporine anti-inflam-matory Systemic: Severe ocular pain without any evidence of ocular abnormality, severe visual hallucinations, reversible cortical blindness, optic disc edema Topical ocular 2% solution (still investigational in U.S.): eyelid irritation, superficial punctate keratitis, ocular pain w/ or w/o hyperemia, eyelash proliferation and possibly reactivation of stromal herpes simplex keratitis.
Synthroid levothyroxine hypothyroid-ism CNS effects, including hallucination, may occur in thyroid patients with underlying psychiatric disorders. Pre- and peri-pubescent children may be susceptible to pseudotumor cerebri.

Medications with
possible side effects

Medications with
no side effects
Top 100

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New York Glaucoma
Research Institute

310 East 14th St.
New York, NY 10003
(212) 477-7540


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